Our guest of honour at the 2017 BC Historic Motor Races was David Ousted, from our presenting sponsor Key West Ford. – Brent Martin photo

Posted: August 25, 2017

We were very pleased to have David Ousted, the very popular goalkeeper of the Vancouver Whitecaps and Key West Ford‘s official representative, on hand to perform the official ribbon (well, tape) cutting ceremony at the 2017 edition of the BC Historic Motor Races presented by Key West Ford.

The ‘ribbon’ was held by VRCBC president Stanton Guy and long time SOVREN racer and BCHMR supporter Charly Mitchel of Tacoma.

David did such a great job that he was awarded one of our famous Morris the Mission Moose, which are traditionally reserved for drivers who put on an excellent display during a race.

(L to R) Stanton Guy, VRCBC president, Liz Smith, VRCBC Life Member and keeper of the Mission Moose, David Ousted of Key West Ford, Morris the Mission Moose, Charly Mitchel, Vintage racer and winner of several Moose over the years. – Brent Martin photo

Just the first of many big awards this year we trust David; good luck to you and your team mates this MLS season!  There are more photos of David’s fun day at the track, including his ride in the very fast Key West Ford Mustang, here.

Thanks to both David and Key West Ford for helping us promote and celebrate the BC Historic Motor Races!

A classic British sports car 'David and Goliath' battle perfectly illustrates why Vintage racing is so much fun. Karlo Flores and his 1959 Austin Healey 'Bugeye' Sprite chase Gunter Pichler and his 1964 Jaguar XKE. - Brent Martin photo

This classic British sports car ‘David and Goliath’ battle perfectly illustrates why Vintage racing is so much fun. Karlo Flores and his 1959 Austin Healey ‘Bugeye’ Sprite chase Gunter Pichler and his 1964 Jaguar XKE during the 2016 BCHMR. – Brent Martin photo

Posted: August 29, 2016

The 2016 BCHMR was another fun event! Racers, officials and spectators all had a great time and – except for it being a ‘little(!) warm’ on the Saturday, the weather was perfect.

Vancouver Canucks hero Kirk McLean did the honours at our Sunday grand opening ceremony on behalf of our presenting sponsor, Key West Ford. Kirk was ably assisted by two legends from the world of Canadian motorsport, Bill Sadler and Al Ores.

Kirk McLean cuts the ribbon to officially open the 2016 BCHMR. Canadian Motorsport Hall of Famer Bill Sadler (L) and BC road racing legend All Ores (R) 'pick up the pieces! - Brent Martin photo

Kirk McLean cuts the ribbon to officially open the 2016 BCHMR. Canadian Motorsport Hall of Famer Bill Sadler (L) and BC road racing legend All Ores (R) ‘pick up the pieces! – Brent Martin photo

And to top it all off, almost $5,000 was raised for the VRCBC’s ‘Charity of Choice’, the Mission Hospice Society, through the generosity of spectators, our sponsors – particularly ADESA Richmond – and individual Club members.

Our very own Brent Martin had his BCHMR race report published in Vintage Racecar / Vintage Roadcar magazine within days!


Click here to read his full report. Well done Brent; thank you!

In other news! :

  • Results: The full weekend on-track results and trophy and award winners, are posted on this web site under the Results menu. Click here.
  • Photos & Videos: There are many photos and several on-board videos posted on this web site under the Photos & Videos menu. Click here.
  • Facebook: And if you follow social media, you can find the 2016 BCHMR Facebook page here.

 Next time!

After many years of competition in the Pacific North West, Doug Yip is retiring his well-known 1967 Sunbeam Tiger Mk 2 from the race track. The Tiger went out with its customary flourish at the BCHMR. - Brent Martin photo

After many years of competition in the Pacific North West, Doug Yip is retiring his well-known 1967 Sunbeam Tiger Mk 2 from the race track. The Tiger went out with its customary flourish at the BCHMR. – Brent Martin photo

Updated: September 2, 2015

The 2015 BCHMR is now in the record books. The weather was perfect and the cars looked great!


The complete results for the weekend are now available on this web site. Go to the ‘2015 Results‘ page under the Results menu above, or just click here.


We have received literally hundreds of photos from many photographers. (Thank you!) A lot of them will eventually be posted on this web site but in the meantime, check them out on the VRCBC Facebook Group (here) and the BCHMR Facebook page (here).


Paul Bonner, one of the VRCBC’s favourite Vintage Racing photo-journalists (and a long time supporter), has just had two of his stories about our 2012 BCHMR published. One is in the August 2012 issue of Vintage Drift (see cover above), the quarterly journal of our friends at SOVREN (www.sovren.org) and the other is in the Fall 2012 print issue of PRN Motorsport Magazine (www.prnmag.com) (see cover below). Great job Paul – thanks very much!

Unfortunately, neither article is available online but many VRCBC members will have already received their subscription copy of Vintage Drift. You can easily get your own subscription (only $25 per year for Canadian addresses) by contacting the Editor / Publisher, Martin Rudow, at Rudow Specialty Publishing, 6310 NE 74th #245, Seattle, WA 98115.  Phone: (206) 527-5301.

PRN is available at larger newstands across Canada.
